
Offer yourself your own bouquet


A horn-shaped basket full of goods, symbol of prosperity is the center of this activity. We will show you how to garnish it with seasonal choices like sweet smelling narcissus, roses, grapes or magic myrtle leaves. With our guidance, you will have made a one-of-a-kind centerpiece bouquet as perfect as Caravaggio’s “basket”, as inspiring as the arms of the Daphne by Bernini or the garlands in Raphael’s loggia.

After a short lecture about the history of Roman style flower decoration, with stunning images of several Renaissance and Baroque fresco painting , we will cross CAMPO DE’ FIORI to reach the flower stands and choose carefully our items.

Every participant will receive a cornucopia basket, a sponge and all you need to compose the bouquet.

I’m Piergiorgio Forgione, an architect, set designer and scenographer in love with art, beautiful things and people. I’m part of the artistic group of the Cappella Orsini Community. Social life, team-working and cultural exchange are my natural dispositions. I believe in sharing my technique and knowledge but also welcoming travelers curious of this beautiful part of the Italian taste and culture.

Vi aspetto


No artsy or technical specific education is required, only a great mood !

Our alumni are from 10 years old to 70 years old !

By the end of this activity, you will have made your own souvenir

Included :
  • Art supplies
  • Flowers and sponges
  • A cornucopia basket
Refreshments are offered : Snacks, coffee, tea, juices
Reservation required

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